Diverse Epistemologies

Our confidence in science and technology is a function of our confidence in the methods of knowledge gathering and testing (epistemologies) used in research and development. Western scientific methodologies seek statistically significant generalizable patterns in phenomena as the basis for objectivity. But such methodologies have limited power to help us understand phenomena that cannot be quantified or generalized. Yet these unquantifiable phenomena -- historical trends, cultural meanings, spiritual aspirations, and social biases – all play important roles in determining what kinds of innovations we seek and the uses we might make of them. To appreciate how scientific and technological programs emerge and the directions requires employment of a diverse array of epistemologies geared to uncover what western scientific methods cannot. How do the epistemologies we deploy to direct, supplement, and sometimes critique western science operate? How are they taught and disseminated? What kinds of archives do we need to preserve their results for posterity?




John Ives, Professor, Director of Institute of Prairie Archaeology
Areas of Teaching and Research: Plains, Subarctic, Great Basin & Northeast Asian prehistory, Archaeological theory, Paleoindian Studies, Public Archaeology

Kate Kingsbury, Adjunct Professor
Areas of Teaching and Research: Social and cultural anthropology, religion, alterity, gender, youth, performance, West Africa, Mouridiyya, politics, modernity and globalisation, ontological anthropology, symbolic anthropology, existential anthropology, material culture, post-modernism

Sara Komarnisky, Adjunct Professor, Research Project Manager Hotıì ts’eeda
Areas of Research: Social and cultural anthropology of North America: Colonialism, Globalization, Health, Material culture, Migration, Mobility, Transnationalism, Ethnography, Qualitative methods


Kathleen Lowrey, Associate Professor
Areas of Teaching and Research: Lowland South American anthropology, South American ethnohistory, comparative ethnohistory of South and North America, economic anthropology, disability studies, feminism, and the relationship of historical and contemporary evolutionary theory to anthropology

Mark Nuttall, Professor, Henry Marshall Tory Chair
Areas of Teaching and Research: Anthropology of the Arctic and North Atlantic; human-environment relations, sustainability of living marine resources; climate change

Andie Palmer, Associate Professor
Areas of Teaching and Research:Cultural and linguistic anthropology; discourse analysis; narratives of place; oral history; Aboriginal rights and title 


Kisha Supernant, Associate Professor, Director Institute of Prairie and Indigenous Archaeology
Areas of Teaching and Research: Archaeological mapping, Northwest Coast archaeology, indigenous archaeology, landscape archaeology

Helen Vallianatos, Associate Professor
Areas of Teaching and Research: Anthropology of food, gender, body, health, mobilities & immigration, Anthropology of the Senses



Marilène Oliver, Assistant Professor
Areas of Teaching and Research: Studio Art with a focus in Printmaking, Sculpture, Video and Intermedia, Digital medical imaging and contemporary art

Gavin Renwick, Associate Professor
Areas of Teaching and Research: Visual Thinking and Communication; Participatory Design; Practice-led Research; Sustainable Design; Cold Climate Design; Inter-Disciplinarity; Post-Colonial Aesthetics; Visual Culture; Indigenous Cultural Policy; Indigenous and Euro-Canadian Knowledge Parity; Circumpolar Studies; The Role of Art, Design and Architecture in Cultural and Political Self-Determination

Aidan Rowe, Associate Professor
Areas of Teaching and Research: Visual Communication Design, Interactive New Media, Human Computer Interaction, Design for Health, Design Education, Design Theory, Critical Design, Design Futures, Systemic Design, Information Design, Curatorial Practice


Selena Couture, Assistant Professor
Areas of Teaching and Research: Canadian Indigenous Theatre, Performance and Decolonizing practices, Land, Place Names and Performance, Indigenous Language Revitalization Practices, Colonial Performance and the Construction of Whiteness, Archival Practices, Resource Extraction and Refusal, Theoretical Approaches to Theatre and Performance, Canadian Theatre, Canadian Indigenous Performance, Theatre and Colonial Modernity, Decolonizing Research Methodologies in Performance Studies and Settler Responsibilities



Daniel Fried, Associate Professor
Areas of Teaching and Research: Classical Chinese Literature and Intellectual history, Conceptualization Contextualization of reading and writing practices in ancient and medieval China, and Relations to European Modes of Textuality


Christopher McCabe, Professor and Adjunct Professor
Areas of Teaching and Research: Economic evaluation, CEA modelling,, economic evaluation, health policy, methods of eco, Reimbursement, VoI, Value Engineered Translation

Andrew McGee, Associate Professor
Areas of Teaching and Research: Labor economy, education, job search, the intersection of economics and psychology, standard econometric methods, survey data, laboratory experiments

Rick Szotak, Professor, Department Chair
Areas of Teaching and Research: Economic history, methodology, history of technology, information science, and the theory and practice of interdisciplinarity


Jaimie Baron, Associate Professor
Areas of Teaching and Research: Experimental film, history of technology and the mediation of human experience, digital media

Billy-Ray Belcourt, PhD Student
Research: The Indigenous Paranormal: Non-Being and Freedom in the Aftermath of the Long Twentieth Century

Danielle Fuller, Professor,
Areas of Teaching and Research: Contemporary cultures of reading, Canadian literature, interdisciplinary research methods that combine textual and empirical modes of investigation

Roger Graves, Professor and Director (Interdisciplinary Studies)
Areas of Teaching and Research: Writing studies, writing across the curriculum, business, professional, and technical writing, academic writing

Michael Litwack, Assistant Professor
Areas of Teaching and Research: Comparative media theory, critical race and ethnic studies, digital studies, screen cultures, genealogies of media and mediation, transnational U.S. American studies, feminist and queer studies, critical theory, black cultural theory, technology, post/humanisms

Keavy Martin, Associate Professor
Areas of Teaching and Research: Indigenous literatures and intellectual traditions, Inuit literature, oral history, Indigenous languages (especially Inuktitut), literary history and criticism, Aboriginal and treaty rights, the Truth & Reconciliation Commission of Canada, Indigenous methodologies, alternative pedagogies

Christine Stewart, Associate Professor
Areas of Teaching and Research: Poetic language in the production of knowledge, social justice, poetic practices that undermine racist ideologies and colonialism, engendering ecological attentiveness, anomalous, and compassionate communities


Sarah Carter, Professor and Henry Marshall Tory Chair (Joint Appointment History and Classics and the Faculty of Native Studies)
Areas of Teaching and Research: Colonialism and Indigenous Communities in Canada, especially the Canadian Prairies, History of Canadian Government policies towards First Nations
Crystal Fraser, Assistant Professor
Areas of Teaching and Research: History of Indian Residential Schools in Canada; the North; Gender and Sexuality; Sport and Recreation; Indigenous Methodologies; Oral Histories.

Kelly MacFarlane, Faculty Lecturer
Areas of Teaching and Research: New method of teaching Latin, comprehension and communication, the influence of Classics on modern science, Greek and Latin vocabulary roots

Robert Smith, Professor
Areas of Teaching and Research: History of science and technology from the late eighteenth century to the present, history of astronomy and spaceflight, the development of the James Webb Space Telescope

Dagmar Wujastyk, Associate Professor
Areas of Teaching and Research: History & literature of classical Indian medicine (Ayurveda) and iatrochemistry (rasaśāstra), and South Asian history
Dominik Wujastyk, Professor & Saroj and Prem Singhmar Chair in Classical Indian Society and Polity
Areas of Teaching and Research:
History and culture of pre-modern India, Sanskrit language and literature, Indian knowledge systems: āyurveda (medicine), yoga, vyākaraṇa (linguistics), manuscript studies, Indian textual criticism and editorial technique, history of science in South Asia



Jorge Emilio Rosés Labrada, Assistant Professor
Areas of Teaching and Research: Indigenous Languages Sustainability and Linguistics, documentation, description and revitalization of Indigenous languages in the Americas, especially those of the Northwest Amazon and the Pacific Northwest Coast of North America


Katalin Bimbo, Professor
Areas of Teaching and Research: Logic (philosophical, mathematical, computational) and Foundations of Mathematics, Philosophy of Computer Science and Informatics

Ingo Brigandt, Professor and CRC
Areas of Teaching and Research: Philosophy of Biology, Philosophy of Science, Philosophy of Mind, Epistemology, Feminist Philosophy of Science, Philosophy of Language


Jeff Bisanz, Professor Emeritus
Areas of Teaching and Research: Cognitive development in children with a focus on mathematical thinking and instruction


Sourayan Mookerjea, Associate Professor
Areas of Teaching and Research: Commons theory; decolonizing critical theory, the anthropocene, climate change, sustainability


Tracy Bear, Assistant Professor (Joint Appointment with Faculty of Native Studies)
Areas of Teaching and Research: Indigenous methodological approaches to education, decolonialism, outreach

Felice Lifshitz, Professor and Associate Chair (Graduate)
Areas of Teaching and Research: Medieval Cultural, Religious and Intellectual history